Friday, October 21, 2011

A Delicate Romance.

     I don't know if it's their hands all curled up together, or the eyes that look so soulfully from the past, but this photo is one of my favorite items in the Love and Marriage collection. This is actually a daguerrotype - an example of the earliest form of photography. The image is printed on glass with a velveted background in the case behind the glass. If you've ever seen a daguerrotype, you know that the image can be seen through into the back of the case. This gives an over all ghostly appearance to the photograph.  It was probably taken around the time of the Civil War. And sometimes I wonder if he was getting ready to leave or had perhaps just returned.
    Also note the little gold embelishments in the image. Early photography was mind boggling! 

My dear friend, Barb Ifert, found this bride and groom, wedding cake topper for me, years ago. She was on one of her antiquing trips and came across this lovely couple. It's made of porcelan and is inscribed at the bottom "Our Wedding Day."
